Having completed a BEd (Hons) Music at Liverpool University I have been a Primary School Teacher for seventeen years and School Music Coordinator.  I have experience in teaching and tutoring piano, organ, keyboard and music theory.  I have led Schools Orchestras and Junior Choirs, leading to whole school productions.  I have also taught keyboard/piano for the Yamaha Music School in both Southport and Liverpool.  These lessons took place on both an individual and group basis.  I now have a successful music studio, teaching privately and have an excellent reputation.

I believe music is a subject to be enjoyed and therefore any lessons I teach should be as enjoyable as possible for students.  I like students to learn at their own preferred pace, some like to play just for fun or casually, others enjoy working towards a goal, usually in the form of ABRSM exams.  Many have passed with Merits and Distinctions.

Theory is often taught along side practical lessons which enhances the musical understanding of repertoire, composition and improved listening.  

I teach a variety of musical styles from classical, folk, modern to Jazz.  I also teach basic improvisation skills.

I have also recently developed a successful online teaching studio through the medium of Zoom and can now offer lessons from further afield.

I also specialise in teaching pre-school children which offers an all round music appreciation, whilst developing keyboard skills.

Playing piano is a gift and can develop into a life long passion which something definitely worth nurturing!